Monday, November 22, 2010

pd trip with my friends

Someone wake me up,i wanna thanks him
if not i'm late for going teakwando grading
Well,reach school,i saw 2sakai guys at there
they just go and hide
and i saw them
walking inside the school
need to wait long long time only is green belt turn
grading time,i DO WRONG step lah D:
after grading went outside SMC with yeang,frankee n lung
chat chat chat a while
My mummy POO-POON
she come and fetch us back
we went to unik to have our lunch
mum said gv back frankee rm3
so ran to smc for giving him money n ran back unik
yeang they come to unik for taking a while with mum
mum asking them wanna go pd with us
frankee excited and said YES,I WANT :)
So,back home bath and go fetch them to Ampang first
because Mum want go work
we want to stay at there 2-5pm
My parents office at Ampang
he looking a picture,Aiyaa~sakai,you dont know how to draw it lah
Andieeh & Frankieeh

Wheee~5pm liaw
we go to a restaurant to ate some food then started to back pd
They sleeping like a PIG in the car xD
finally 7pm we reach pd.
first we wanna go help my autie about the concert
see they are so cute
this guy look lk SHAARANN :)
and see CUTE FRANKEE-i like his smile
taking picture with him
where he look?0.0 i dont know
after that
we went to my grandma house to ate our dinner
they look so shy
rest a while,go yamcha with them
what a tired day.
back to grandma house
ahlung n yeang sleeping lk a pig
except frankee
maybe he cant sleep
i n him talking almost 3hour
until 3am my battery LOW LOW LOW
go sleep luuu :)
baby were crying is so noisy
i wake up so early
9am everyone were woke up early
except frankee
Ahaha,he sleeping like a ^(00)^
the sun gonna burst his ass,he still cant wake
but finally he wake :)
lol taking picture with yeang
afetr lunch,we went to my cousin house for visit my cousin
we were so bored
keep taking picture :)
my sakai smile
see my face,and i like this picture :)

i have nothing to do

Arghh~see his face,i want to PUNCH look lk hamsap lou xD

taking by yeang,he too bored n he updated those picture in fb
gosh~so ugly lahh weih

he so HAPPY :)
andy n yeang
deng deng my picture =]
after visit cousin,go ate mee goreng and campur
walao A mee goreng is so hot
and my cousin were at there
andy and them went to beach with my grandpa
im not following,because im too lazy
blah blah blah
skip part
night time
ate dinner together n we wanna back kl le
awww~thanks you my dear friends
thanks for accompany us back pd
bye bye

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